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Aspring For Civil Engineering Degree


Life Long Goal:  Ceo of a engineering company

Resume + Cover Letter Below

3560 Los Angeles

Warren, Michigan 48091

January 27, 2015


John Goodard

Raytheon Employment Division

Aerospace Inc.

1919 Technology Drive

Troy, MI 48083


Dear Mr. Goodard:


I am excited to be writing to your company today.  I am interested in your student developer position.  Raytheon offers a great work/life balance, which allows me to maintain my schedule.  The technology industry is something that has sparked my interest for some time.  It is a field requires someone to use their full potential on the job.  I understand that the developer position is an instructional role and works with many professionals.  I also know how this position is writing instructions for everyone on the job to see.


I am currently taking a communications class that is allowing me to become a more technical writer.  I am learning how to take information and apply it by using unique methods, and creativity.  Your position requires for me to be computer literate, and able to work alongside many professionals.  I have used much computer software such as Microsoft word, and excel. This job experience will certainly qualify me for your technical labor requirements.  I hope you will see my qualifications, and how I would fit this role at Raytheon.


While I am in college I am trying my best to train for this position.  This requires much hard work and focus. I am acquiring many skills throughout my education and hope to apply these skills elsewhere. This job position is the next step to my future goals and plans. 


I am very dedicated to this open position of yours.  In the mean time I hope you will read this letter and consider me for this very prestigious position.


If I am what you are looking for please give me a call at (586)-441-9129 at any time.




Sam Hindo 

Cover Letter

Sam Hindo                                                                                                                  3560 Los Angeles

(586)-441-9129                                                                                                                                   Warren, Michigan




          Contributing as a student developer in the company Raytheon; by using my            

                      Analytical skills in designing step by step solutions.




Wayne State Engineering Program 2014-Present.

  • Technical communications class includes application of data, and formulating step by step instructions

  • Photojournalism program encourages design usage, and researching target audience for any given topic



  • Works with those who speak Arabic and help them with homework assignments

  • Two year attendance record at Fitzgerald High



Related Work

WIA-Tutor at Schofield Elementary-Warren, MI - 2010-2011

  • Was asked to be a tutor because of my favorable personality traits

  • Working as a team with the teacher and printing out worksheets for students


                  Olga’s Kitchen-Server- Troy, MI-2011-2014

  • Using OSHA software, entering meal order according to customer demands

  • Using step by step instructions in creating salads for customers




                Fitzgerald High School Recycling Club Warren, MI 2010-2012. 

  • Works with peers in recycling plastic, and glass

  • Helping Fitzgerald earn their annual goal of twenty five thousand dollars




Laura Sandzik                         Tammy Findlay

 Counseling                              Director of WIA                              

 Fitzgerald High                       23200 Toepher rd

 23200 Ryan Rd                       Warren, MI 48091

 Warren, MI 48091                  (586)-757-7070












Terry Francois Street, 6th Floor

San Francisco,

CA 94158

Tel: 123-456-7890

Fax: 123-456-7890

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